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The Ultimate Guide That Will Help Businesses Market To Attorneys!

  • Jul 29, 2022
  • Posted By: Robert Duke
  • Category: Articles
how marketing agencies can market to law

Imagine this – A company has created software or a product that could help minimize the workload of law firms. However, you find it hard to reach the right target audience as a marketer. Perhaps, you are not gaining enough leads even with your standard ROI-generating marketing techniques.

That will happen if you have minimal knowledge about how to market to lawyers.

Well, marketers need to go the extra mile for such strategies to work. So, you must adapt to a law mindset and employ unique approaches to make your strategy effective.

But, how do you market to attorneys without any hiccups? Marketing in this sector can get more manageable if you start by defining the target audience while understanding what you need to sell. At the same time, you can implement branding initiatives curated for lawyers.

Intrigued? Read on to learn more about these elements.

Is it worth it to market to attorneys?

The global legal services market is growing at a 5.3% CAGR rate. Hence, companies in the advertising or financial sector want to harness the true potential of this market. Even B2B marketing agencies are trying to market to attorneys.

However, some marketers believe this to be a challenging proposition, mainly because of the market saturation. By nature, lawyers tend to be very pessimistic about marketing or advertising strategies.

Hence, they tend to shy away from such endeavors. However, marketing agencies never fail to ignore this sector since there is a high margin of operational success. If you are finding that hard to believe, look at this statistic – After the pandemic, this global sector bagged over 780 billion USD!

So, with a hint of research and a lot of investment, marketing agencies can get a good value proposition and deliver results from this initiative.

How to market to lawyers? A 4-step approach that brings proper leads

Marketing to a law firm is difficult compared to most industries because of the unique requirements. For example, you must genuinely understand the industry, source the right resources and follow a strategic approach to accomplish marketing goals.

At the same time, when you market to attorneys, you should consider the market saturation and its aggressiveness.

Besides, marketing agencies must abide by rules and regulations while understanding the differentiation of legitimacy. Keeping these in mind, we will help you indulge how to market to lawyers in four easy steps.

#1. Define the target audience instead of analyzing the legal market

Simply determining the target market as “law” will not be fruitful. As a marketer, you have to understand and research certain variables like:

  • Law firm’s target audience
  • Type of practice
  • Size and culture of the firm

You can research more on the firm’s decision-making powers along with these factors. For example, a criminal law firm’s practical approach and culture will differ from one that practices family law.

Tip: Get into the right mindset because all law firms are different and have a diverse hierarchy.

#2. Determine the use cases of products or services before marketing them to any law firm

Marketing agencies should give time to properly understand the products or services they will eventually sell to lawyers. So, simple knowledge about what you are promoting will not be enough.

Besides, the legal community is demanding and loves a personalized essence they can relate to. Marketers must gain a broader perspective about what they are really selling. This way, you can easily understand how to market to lawyers based on the products or services.

Instead of selling an idea to them, try and sell the benefits and focus on the USPs that will help streamline the legal workflow.

Tip: Adapt a unique approach that plays on the lawyer’s professional ego and does not waste their time.

#3. Address the untouched factors to determine the optimal strategic approach

Once you have defined the target market and understood what you are selling, it should be smooth sailing. However, before you initiate the marketing strategy, you should address certain factors to plan a strategic approach:

  • Nature of the message you are selling
  • Maintain continuity vs adorning the market
  • Learn more about the firm’s competitors

Analyzing these criteria is crucial for any marketer trying to market to attorneys. Overall, these factors will help yield accurate results, and your strategy will gain good traction.

Tip: Be present with your networking skills to seek advice from industry experts, if necessary.

#4. Decide on the marketing tactic to help understand the marketing vehicles you want to utilize

After following all the steps, you will now understand the inherent strengths and weaknesses of various marketing tools for each law firm. Indeed, every attorney or law firm will have a variable requirement.

Even then, specific marketing techniques, like social media marketing, advertising, and trade shows, could work for you. However, the best way to market products or services to a law firm is by utilizing customized, and authentic attorney mailing list!

With this, marketers can easily target the right audience based on firm size, practice area, or other segmentation factors. At the same time, traditional marketing techniques could also work.

Tip: Start by selling low-effect tactics and tweak the techniques without hampering the overall continuity.

The bottom line

You must address the “how to market to law firms” issue from the grassroots level. For example, you should first define the target audience and analyze the market. Consequently, you can determine the benefits of the products you will market.

At the same time, marketers must address certain factors to reach the marketing tactic step. Some say there are multiple ways to utilize direct mail marketing for attorneys, while others believe social media marketing is the best.

Either way, following the tips mentioned above will help you efficiently market to attorneys at a steady pace. In turn, they will help you gain enough leads and traction in your marketing strategies.

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