Home » A Case Study by Blue Mail Media on Right & Unfitting Email Campaigns

A Case Study by Blue Mail Media on Appropriate & Inappropriate Email Campaigns

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In marketing, email campaigns have emerged as a powerful tool for reaching and engaging potential clients. However, the success of an email campaign depends on various factors. In this case study, we will explore how Blue Mail Media compared the performance of imperfect campaigns versus suitable campaigns and its impact on the different email marketing metrics.

Unravelling the hypothesis

Blue Mail Media, a leading email marketing company, meticulously worked on 2 case study scenarios for email campaigns.

The “scenario A” had a campaign that was addressed with the wrong names to the targeted audience with well-composed content.

The “scenario B” study had a campaign that addressed correct names to the targeted audience with well-shaped content. 

Investigational Findings

The consequences of the campaigns withhold staggering results, as there was noteworthy polarity in the prospect engagement for both campaigns. Let’s dig in more to see the statistical breakdown of the campaigns and the responses the campaign’s generated.

“Scenario A”: Inappropriate name: Statistical Outcomes

“Scenario B”: Appropriate name: Statistical Outcomes

statistical outcomes

Inappropriate Name Addresses- Responses

  • “I am not Emma.”
  • “We are presently not in any need for marketing assistance”
  • “I wonder from where you extrapolated my information”

Appropriate Name Addresses- Responses

  • “Please send me your counts and pricing.”
  • “I am willing to have one-on-one conversion with the a sales reps”
  • “Would like to know what all services you provide”

Decoding the Data: Analysis of Perfect & Imperfect emails

Data explained varying prospects’ actions when subjected to imperfect and perfect name’s addressing in the email campaigns. Here are our key observations about the two email campaigns. 

Inappropriate Email Campaigns: (“Scenario A”)

Targeted recipients were addressed with the wrong names with appropriate content. Following are the observations of the “scenario A”. 

  • The delivery rate of the unfitting email campaign was 99%, with an open rate of only 28%. Prospects weren’t interested in engaging.
  • The click rate of 2% explains that the campaign couldn’t capture the prospect’s attention when addressed with the wrong name to go through the content of the email. It wasn’t showcasing the personalized approach enough to probe them for further action.
  • As our prospect’s time and energy are valuable, they didn’t hesitate to show their views, as it resulted in 0.9% of spam complaints.
  • Overall, the brand reputation took a hit in the experiment as prospects actively chose to disengage, with the opt-out rate spiking up to 4%.
  • Even though, the right content targets an appropriate audience with a slight mistake tremendously reducing CTR and lead generation.

Appropriate Email Campaigns: (“Scenario B”)

Targeted recipients received emails with the right names and content tailored to their needs. Following are the observations of “scenario B”. 

  • There was a minute dip in the open rate of 27%, but gathered a significant percentage of click rate of 10%— exceedingly improving CTR.
  • Willingness to interact with the brands elevates as the right email campaign with appropriate addresses generated 0.1% spam, highlighting prospect satisfaction and positive reception of the campaigns.
  • Another interesting observation about the campaign was exceeding the low opt-out rate of 0.6%. Prospects were eager to read the content and appreciated its value.
  • Henceforth, it promises further engagement with the brand, higher chances of conversion, and more lead generation. 

Final Result

Blue Mail Media concludes through the above experimental observations, that the right email campaign will generate the right results and will have fewer spam reports. In contrast, the disoriented email campaign won’t achieve the desired outcomes and will have higher spam reports

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