Home » Awareness is Your Best Weapon Against Phishing Attacks [Whitepaper]

Awareness is Your Best Weapon Against Phishing Attacks [Whitepaper]

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Phishing Awareness
The Covid-19 pandemic forced businesses around the world to switch to remote working and social distancing. This abrupt shift to remote working has given rise to new cybersecurity threats, making for an increasingly challenging threat landscape.
According to the FBI, phishing was the most common type of cybercrime after the pandemic. From 2019 to 2020, they nearly doubled in frequency.
The reason why phishing attacks are so successful to execute is that many employees remain unable to discern these malicious emails from benign ones. It is for this reason, phishing resistance and security awareness are very important for your business.
Get all our best tips, tricks, and strategies to win your fight against phishing attacks.

Things you will learn from this whitepaper:


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