What is?

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

A form of internet marketing, SEM or Search Engine Marketing is the process of increasing traffic and visibility of websites through search engines primarily by paid advertising. It is the most effective way to boost your business growth in the market space.

It helps the advertisers to place the relevant ads to the customers at the precise moment. The businesses must utilize both SEO and SEM as a part of an online marketing strategy.

Two Major SEM Strategies:

–    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for organic search: It is a free method that helps the search engine to understand your website better.

–    Pay-Per-Click (PPC) for paid search marketing: This method involves payment to display your website offers by the search engines.

Benefits of SEM:

–    Easy and quick to follow

–    Reach the audience at the right time

–    Precisely track and analyze the campaigns

–    Improve brand awareness

–    Cost-effective approach

–    Increase the visibility

–    Place relevant ads successfully

–    Improved Return-On-Investment (ROI)

Steps to Integrate SEM:

–    Define your strategy well

–    Choose important keyword phrases

–    Optimize the website contents

–    Use Mobile friendly checker to analyze the URL

–    Quality link building

–    Include paid search campaign to improve ROI

–    Use backend or analytical tools to track the success