12 Cold Email Templates for B2B Sales Prospecting

12 Cold Email Templates for B2B Sales Prospecting

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Email templates to transform your B2B pitches
There are multiple statistics to support the case of cold emailing in B2B sales. In fact, studies show that 64% of small businesses rely on email marketing to reach potential leads. In addition, due to how effective they are in the prospecting phase of a pitch, 37% of brands increased their budget for email campaigns in 2021.
But what makes such promotional tools so successful? First, emails serve as targeted and personalized avenues to discuss your product with a potential client. Second, unlike sales calls, you can simultaneously deploy such digital messages across multiple channels.
Now, if you want B2B cold email templates to enhance your promotional efforts, you’re in luck. This guide will walk you through 12 practical ways to structure your messages.

Before going any further, here is a list of the covered email templates: