
Holiday Email Marketing: 4 Ways B2B Marketers can do It Best

Huge holiday deals, enticing offers, and inboxes cram-filled with alluring seasoned greetings! Holidays are the days of marketing for the B2C marketing industry. However, being on the edge of the holiday season, many B2B marketers find themselves in a dilemma of do’s and don’ts of marketing. And to some extent, the reasons are acceptable.

Their clients are B2B professionals who might get annoyed of receiving emails speaking of business on holidays, and if they don’t, a typical holidaying pitch of selling can upset them more.

So, how can people dealing with businesses drive better engagement during holidays? What are the most practical ways to infuse holiday spirit in your marketing emails? Below are some expert tips you need to know:

1. Focus more on interactive content than deals

You might have curated some great deals, and definitely you want to sell. But, copying the typical tone of e-commerce industries can hurt your marketing goals. Nurturing B2B leads is a strenuous process that takes time, and thus, you can’t expect your prospects to purchase the moment they have read your emails.

You need to go tricky. Accept that your buyers are the ones who strictly look for pure ‘value’ in your services. So, Leverage your content marketing strategy. Give them the informative content that can suffice their needs of knowing that you have the exact solutions for their problems and convey this content through interactive mediums.

88% of marketers say interactive content differentiates them from their competitors (Business2Community).

2. Go with the yearlong tone of your emails

Many business-to-business professionals try to adopt the extremely festive voice of B2C businesses during holidays. This might turn even your long-termed client disinterested in your services.

Instead, move with balance. Don’t go too much with personalizing the emails. Keep the tone of your content similar to what you have kept throughout the year. Your buyers must have liked that, and that might be one of the reasons they are doing business with you. Bring in a slight seasoned touch but keep it relevant to your brand and your emails will undoubtedly bring you better results.

3. Don’t repeat the previous year’s strategy

You created some creative email marketing strategy that proved to be an immense success the previous holiday season. But, thinking of re-using the same this year too is probably not a good idea.

The digital marketing world where we live in undergoes advancements with every new day. It has also altered the behavioral-buying psychology of the customers. Your previous email marketing strategies might or might not fall in tune with these changes. And in that case, replaying the same techniques can be a huge pitfall.

Instead, look into the latest marketing trends. Analyze and form a new or revise an old strategy because no matter which industry you serve to, your buyers always crave for something new.

4. Look for the long run

Unlike the e-commerce industry, there is hardly a term believed in like ‘last minute shoppers’ in the B2B realm. To entice quality leads, you need to look for the long run.

Let the holiday season work as a base to establish long-termed relationships with your existing buyers. Send them emails about their purchase history during the same period the previous year. If they have attended events with you in the past years, send them emails giving a sweet but professional remembrance of the same. If you are planning to organize a new event in the upcoming days, these kinds of emails can work best to grasp their attention.

Just work on knowing your prospects more, optimize your B2B email marketing strategy with the above tips, and let this holiday season bring more business to you.