
Best Ways to Ramp Up Your Email Marketing Success This Halloween Season

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays that gets buyers to open up their wallets. But B2B customers are different. They are not emotional in their purchase decisions and require specific goals to be met. Also, they need to consult other decision-makers for final purchasing decisions. But if you think that Halloween marketing is only for B2C and just not right for B2B, then here’s a point to note.

B2B buyers, too, are humans at the end of the day, and adding the fun of Halloween spirit to your marketing strategies can break the monotony and give a boost to your email campaign success.

Our guide shares some of the best email marketing strategies to ramp up your email campaigns this Halloween!

Don’t Let Dead Data Ruin Your Marketing Strategies.

Companies work so hard to grow their B2B data, but over time due to several reasons, such as B2B executives retiring from their positions or changing their contact details or jobs, the data become obsolete or dead. In a business environment, fresh data is important to keep the machinery running smoothly. If you don’t update or cleanse your data regularly, your campaigns and business as a whole suffer several consequences.

Source : Blue Mail Media

So don’t let bad data ruin your email marketing before they even kickstart. Cleanse and update your data regularly.

Say RIP To The ‘One-size-fits-all’ Approach

Source : Clipart-Library

Blasting generalized messages to your email list subscribers is a thing of the past now. Today’s competitive world of B2B marketing requires understanding your customers and delivering targeted, personalized campaigns based on what you know about them.

Even the statistics endorse the fact that personalization is a must-have strategy for successful marketing outcomes.

77% of B2B marketers believe that personalization is the key to building stronger customer relationships. 55% use personalization tactics for higher conversion rates and growth.

This means, if you are not using personalization in your B2B marketing, you risk losing a lot of opportunities.

Personalization entails a lot of things. From including a person’s name in the subject line to offering highly-targeted campaigns based on a person’s buying preferences, demographic information, web activity, and more allows you to make stronger bonds with customers, create more targeted and useful content and ultimately boost sales.

Elude Email Marketing Killers

Source: Clipart-Library

You have a high-quality B2B email list, and now you can’t wait to send the emails to your customers to see their responses. We get it, when you have so many marketing ideas in mind it’s natural to get excited, but have you ever considered the email marketing blunders that kill email marketing campaigns?

Email marketing is a highly effective channel for marketing and promotion with ROI as high as $42 for every dollar spent; it’s why so many marketers love it. Yet, far too many companies make the same email marketing mistakes over and over again, which cripple their campaigns.

Below are some of the common email marketing killers to avoid

1. Ignoring Mobile

More than 61% of emails are opened on mobile devices these days.


This means having a mobile strategy for your campaigns is not just a nice strategy but a necessity in today’s times. Yet, 1 in 5 companies ignores mobile strategies.

Don’t be one of those companies. If you do not optimize your campaigns for mobile, no matter how great your offerings and messages are, many people won’t even read them.

2. Making Things Complicated

B2B audience consists of busy professionals who have very little time to go through messages. If you are making things complicated for them, they are probably going to be repulsed by it.

A clear message with a clear CTA is all you need to get your point across. If it’s relevant, it’s more than likely that they will take action, helping you generate more website visits, sign-ups, and sales.

Keeping things simple does help B2B email marketing.

Having a clear and relevant message that links to a single landing page makes it easy for the buyers to decide and ultimately take action.

3. Fearing The Dreaded ‘unsubscribe’ Link

While no business ever wants to lose their hard-earned subscribers, keeping them forcefully subscribed to you is not a good thing either. Hiding the unsubscribe link in the footer annoys buyers. On the other hand, making it easy for the subscribers to unsubscribe makes the audiences feel respected.

Unsubscribes also give you an opportunity to improve your marketing. By giving your subscribers an option to tell you why they unsubscribed, like the example below, you can improve your marketing strategies to make them more relevant to your subscribers.

Source: Keap

Be a “B2Beast” With Nice Halloween Themes.

B2B audience is different from B2C, which means you can’t be extremely frivolous with your marketing campaigns. But, it’s okay to add a few fun elements to your marketing mix. To make your Halloween theme resonate with your audience, you have to go a few extra miles.

You can add a subtle Halloween theme to your email campaigns to boost sales or bring in brand awareness for your firm.

The example below by Dun & Bradstreet elucidates very well how you can connect data with Halloween spirits. It makes a Halloween statement with the help of a spooky image and highlights the main message clearly, supported by statistics.

Source: DNB

Create Spectacular Halloween Themed Content

Writing a Halloween-themed blog post or creating a fun Halloween video is the easiest way to get involved in the holiday fun. You can post a video for a limited period offer, just in time for Halloween. With on-brand colors and a Halloween-appropriate message, you can have a fun way to promote your solutions. Consider this really amazing and interesting email by email testing and rendering services company, Email on Acid.

Source: Marketing.sfgate

Give A Spooky Touch To Your Offers.

Just like we mentioned above, you cannot go too silly with your campaigns, but you can definitely give subtle touches of the holiday spirit to your campaigns. Offering a time-sensitive deal is one way to do that. In the example below, StorEdge uses email to deliver a time-sensitive offer in exchange for some information from the buyer.

Source: Storedge


The Halloween season gives you an amazing opportunity to boost your sales and connect with your audience in a fun and light-hearted way. Although B2B customers are busy professionals and executives, everyone enjoys light-hearted moments every once in a while. Connecting your email marketing strategies with the Halloween theme is a fun way to show your prospects and customers your human side, giving them more reasons to love and trust you. If they like your company, they will always stick around and foster great relationships with your business.