Social Media

Microsoft + LinkedIn = The Unification of a Mission and a Vision

The Mission-To connect the world’s professionals to make them more creative and outstanding.

The Vision– To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

The unification of Microsoft with LinkedIn marks the harmony of the great mission with an enormous vision.

The merger comes as amazement, but the collaboration between the companies is hard to overlook.

The Mission and the Vision in this merger are the best complement to each other when it comes to contemporary productivity and communication capabilities together with the well-established global network.

The combination brings together a lively network consists of a professional’s information in LinkedIn’s public network in conjunction with the information in Office 365 and Dynamics,” Microsoft’s CRM solution.

And, as Nadella addressed in an email to employees, the companies are “in pursuance of a common goal focused on empowering people and organizations”. The objectivity has been extended in the field of how people find jobs, build skills, sell, market and get work done as conclusively they can prove their ability and achieve success through a connected professional world.

LinkedIn will be the best connecting force with Microsoft, gets a load of the next step in the journey of realizing an extended mission and an intense vision.

The Microsoft-LinkedIn consolidation may bring out a LinkedIn newsfeed that acts as articles on the ground of your ongoing project and Office suggesting an expert to connect via LinkedIn to help in a task you want to accomplish.

Over time, the proficient experiences with advancing LinkedIn and Office 365 engagement will get more perceptive and amusing. This dynamic combination will bring out new opportunities towards monetization through individual and organization subscriptions and focused advertising.” The social network complies with the key performance metrics that will definitely feed into Microsoft’s global success.

LinkedIn and Microsoft both have the immense amount of data about their customers that can be gouged out to offer automated suggestions and other features in making business processes expeditious and simpler.

The LinkedIn acquisition could help Microsoft a long way to play to its strengths regarding analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.