
Lead Nurturing Email Tips for B2B Campaign

Does your B2B Email Campaigns generate enough leads for your business? Do those leads convert into sales as expected? Or do you struggle to convince them to buy from you?

Most of the businesses invest significant time to build lead generation strategies that successfully boosts the number of leads it owns. However, only 20% of them converts to sales on average. The non-effective lead nurturing procedure forms the primary reason behind this failure. Although leads are just the possibilities, you can increase the number of conversion with the right lead nurturing process.

Lead nurturing is the essential middle ground between an acquired lead and a closed sale. When you focus on this aspect of the sales funnel, you can easily see an increase in your sales rate at a lower cost. That is, your ROI improves when you focus on nurturing each lead generated, rather than forcing your sales team for a hard sell.

If you are still not sure about investing your time on this crucial yet often forgotten strategy, take a look at the importance of lead nurturing mentioned below.

  • Lead nurturing establishes the connection with the leads immediately.
  • It helps in maintaining consistent and relevant communication.
  • Lead nurturing email campaigns help you learn about clients – their challenges, interests, and more.
  • It maintains the engagement if a lead has already made their move to interact with your business.
  • You can radically reduce the sales cycle with automated nurturing.
  • Businesses can quickly broaden the client’s awareness of what you offer.

Lead nurturing has endless benefits for B2B industries. But, unfortunately, marketers take this for granted as they concentrate only on getting more leads for their business. If you are one among them, we simply suggest you to reconsider your notion and utilize the resources for the effective execution of lead nurturing email campaigns.

So, how do you create lead nurturing email campaigns?

Segment Your Leads Clearly

Before nurturing your leads together, we recommend you to identify their path in the buyer’s journey. You cannot send a similar email to the person who showed interest in your product and who has already brought from you. You may lose your valuable customer if you do so. The content and Call-to-Actions differ noticeably for a different stage.

So, start by segmenting your leads by their position in the buying journey. A most straightforward way is to follow the lead scoring method. Lead scoring usually assigns a score to your leads based on various factors such as a number of visits to your website, blog posts read, downloads of free content, videos watched, attended webinars, etc. The more your leads engage with your business, the more likely they are going to buy from you.

Once you are done with the segmentation, create a full lead nurturing email marketing campaign and place your leads accordingly within the campaign.

Offer Value to Each of the Segments

We know that lead nurturing is a mutual process. You will receive the highest benefit for your business only if you are capable of giving the same thing to your customer. So, offer something of real value to your leads. Only then they will spend time on your website, read your blogs, give away their emails, and ultimately, their money.

If a user subscribes to your email newsletter, don’t just sell to them right away. Instead, provide them with the brochure, eBook, or white paper that offers more information about your brand, your values, and how it helps the customers. Try to take your nurturing process bit by bit with your new leads. It will not only make them feel valued, but also gains their trust in the long run.

Create an Effective Email Marketing Automation

Automated email marketing campaigns are of great benefit for today’s B2B industry. It shares resources, blogs, and answers user’s queries via FAQs. So, you can be on top of the mind of the customers without having to spend much of your time on tedious tasks.

Since every single email is capable of moving the leads further down the sales funnel, you must be vigilant enough to place only relevant content in it. It must offer valuable information to the recipients with a clear objective. Be sure to include Call-to-Action in each email to make your pitch stronger in the path.

Besides, always stay consistent with your lead nurturing plan. That is, set up a fixed timeframe for your email automation. For instance, send emails at the beginning of every week, or every weekend. So, your clients know when to expect your email.

Lastly, Close the Deals

As already mentioned, every lead won’t be your customer. So, stop worrying about closing deals with everyone. Instead, focus on increasing the number and your overall sales with the lead nurturing technique.

After the creation of your lead nurturing campaign, you need to check in on your email automation regularly. Ensure whether it’s working the way it should. Also, check whether to include a new white paper, video, webinar, eBook, etc. within your lead nurturing campaign to offer the value. It will keep your automation up-to-date and also provides the most relevant and current information to your recipients.

Bottom Line

Now you know that why lead nurturing campaign is essential for the success of any business. So, to stay ahead of the competitors, stop treating lead nurturing as an option. No matter how you chose to run this campaign, it certainly helps you close more sales and make more money.