How Small Fishes Can Challenge the Big Fishes in the SEO Game

Have you been worried about competing with the big players on the digital marketing battlefield? They may have large fiscal reserves and great marketing and SEO teams, but there is no reason why you can’t do better. If you have an exceptional SEO and content marketing strategy, you can surely make a difference by creating the right amount of buzz for your brand. Certainly, while content is the king, SEO is the kingmaker.

As a small or medium business, you would want to achieve high visibility on Google for organic search engine and traffic leads. And if you organize and put your resources to good use, you can carve out your special place in the heavily crowded market.

Be Jack of All Things

It is important to be jack of all things when it comes to making use of SEO. Optimizing your existing web pages, creating new web pages and feeding your website with relevant content to increase its visibility can do the magic. Many times, the SEO team explicitly focuses on one area and loses on the bigger picture. Therefore, a good SEO team must adopt an inclusive approach when it comes to digital marketing, and not ignore any SEO activity that may lead to small gains. After all, every drop of water makes a mighty ocean.

Keywords Search

Large organizations can select thousands of terms and successfully optimize all of them. On the other hand, since small and medium organizations have scarce resources, they should carefully analyse the current, recent and potential search trends and select a small set of keywords to take on their competitors. In this regard, Matt Cutts rightly mentions, “the objective is not to ‘make your links appear natural’; the objective is that your links are natural.” 

Think Mobile

According to a report from comScore, in 2015, 65 percent of the digital media was consumed on mobile devices.  This clearly indicates the need to adopt a mobile friendly digital marketing strategy. Many marketers think that a mobile strategy will put serious dents in their pockets, which is not true. In fact, it will cost them more if they ignore mobile as a capable digital strategy.

Content is the King

Content is not only about textual content. It also includes audios, PPTs, infographics, videos, pictures and more. As consumers are bombarded with a lot of written content every day, it is not viable to focus only on articles, blogs and other written material. Instead, along with written content, promoting visual, audio and audio-visual media can help you gain the right traction in your marketing drive.

Develop and Follow a Marketing Plan  

Analyse consumers’ demands and identify tools and platforms that bring higher traffic to your website. Deciding the number of articles, blogs and social media posts to promote on different platforms will simplify the execution of your SEO strategy and will also help the content team and the sales team to decide and work upon their targets.