10 Ways to Boost Your Sales by Using Facebook for B2B Business

What is the healthiest way of engaging subscribers who are ardent followers of your business? If you guessed social media, you couldn’t be wrong. Multitudes of businesses are launched on Facebook. The popularity of the platform has encouraged small and large B2B businesses to leverage its potential to turbocharge sales and acquire new prospect. But, what happens behind the scenes is not much discussed.

I will tell you, the 10 best ways to improve your B2B business on Facebook and other untold facts to boost sales.

  1. Wake Your Audience

Always remember to draw the distinction between readers and clients. The social media landscape is such that subscribers cannot be classified under a common signature. They are diverse and come in a variety of classifications. A subscriber on Facebook can be anyone from converted leads to promoters or a random user from the crowd exploring the business benefits of your business.

To make the audience turn their head towards you, give them an enthusiastic reason. Informative content is an excellent relationship starter. You can slowly upgrade to quiz and interactive Q&A sessions. Anything valuable to the clients will bring their attention to the table.

  1. Contests, Giveaway And Much More

Post contests, giveaways, and discounts to increase the audience engagement. These are agents to sustain communication with the subscribers. It is also the means of educating users regarding the benefits of your B2B business. A well-thought blog post or infographic content can do wonders in getting the word out about your business. If something is cooking in your backyard, users will express curiosity and interest.

  1. Tag, Mention, And Get Responded

Making the contents visible to users will help you gain traction in the initial stages. To accomplish the objective use the hashtags and tagging feature on Facebook to allow targeted audience to check your services. Tagging premium related business interests or individuals will unlock access their audience as well. If they respond by liking or commenting your post, it is an added merit.

  1. Humor To The Rescue

The nature of your business may not be marketing entertainment assets. But, marketing without a taste is humorless. Emotions play a vital part in customer acquisition. Make the audience think, engage or giggle by incorporating humor in your posts. As a B2B marketer, you can think of countless memes and marketing tricks that are smart, intuitive and funny. Use them to your advantage; let them know how creative and engaging your services are.

Monologue text-based posts that convey the message in pure marketing dialect isn’t dead. However, it means audience prefers interactions with an element of humanization.

  1. Do Not Kick Start Promotion With Sales Pitch

Facebook isn’t your average classifieds; it is not a platform for pure marketing with product description and pricing. It is a social platform where people interact, connect and share things that are valuable to mutual interest groups. So, stop pondering what you need to write to draw the attention and instead, focus on sharing items that you find informative or funny.

  1. Respond Immediately

Posts that generate response must not be ignored. Every valuable comment must be replied with enthusiasm, and it acts as a convincing proof to subscribers that you value their doubts and are willing to go an extra mile to write a comment about the post.

  1. Events Are Game Changers

Events are a great way to engage the audience. Launch events and contests that call upon users to participate. When users are tempted with perks and benefits, they find it irresistible to try. Use this opportunity to showcase your services or to ask them to take short surveys. But, do not coerce the users to fill lengthy surveys as they can lose interest. A persistent approach will drive them away. Instead, allow them to explore and understand your business and the purpose in a gradual manner.

  1. Post To Official Page And Personal Profile

If you are a B2B business owner, promote your content on the official Facebook page and also on your personal page as well. It will help you connect with high-value clients who are likely to opt-in for your services. Do not exploit the opportunity by sharing every post on your personal page. Occasionally doing it will make you look less desperate and will also make it easier to establish an image of a professional B2B marketer.

Use a call to action button from your Facebook page to engage users. Request the audience for opinion or comment for the promotional posts. It is likely to generate a quality response from the crowd.

  1. Do Not Ignore Videos

Videos are a smart marketing strategy to deliver the message to larger strata of users. Host contests and let winners take away free video tutorials on topics such as building email database and much more. Also, make feature videos with tips and recommendations that are valuable to business users. There is unending list of topics to choose for making video tutorials.

  1. Local Promotion Is Equally Important

Apart from aiming posts at a targeted audience, invest in creating local contents too. It is an effort to cater to clients beyond the targeted market.

Content creation takes time. But, when it is aimed at the right subscribers, it impacts the prospects for your B2B business.